It's a clock (Make Magazine blog). It reads 3:50.
I love this quote from this (makezine) article (Instructables.com);
The local stores carry mass produced machetes and sickles like we have but no one wants them. The local people appreciate a finely crafted steel tool made to exactly suit the work they do.
There is a Market!
More on Videogames, thanks to the enthusiastic response last time. They do the aging brain good (Reuters), can be operated by thought (NYtimes), and may cause the singularity by driving AI development (TerraNova). That last article is also an excellent summary of the singularity, for those of you interested.
I don't think you can separate any discussion on Video Games from the vitriolic faction which declares them to be training manuals for school shootings (Google), destroying our youth (Google), and all-around devil-made (Penny-Arcade). The last link is completely irrelevant, though humorous.
I also don't think you can separate a discussion on video games from discussions on text messaging, IM, social networking, and those things causing harm or benefit. They're all tools that youth are using to enjoy themselves and build skills, although most have no idea that they're building skills.
So what can we separate video game discussions from?
I dunno. Maybe platypi. They're surprisingly underused in videogames. Except this one, named platypus, which is not about a platypus.
They're so weird.

Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …
This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at www.blogger.com.
Can I use some of the information from this blog post above if I provide a link back to this site?
Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at pscheyer.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
Hi there,
I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at pscheyer.blogspot.com.
Can I use part of the information from your blog post above if I provide a link back to this website?
Hi there,
Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at pscheyer.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
Hey - I am certainly glad to find this. Good job!
Hey - I am really happy to discover this. Good job!
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